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Andreas Constantinou Personal Blog


Who am I? My name is Andreas Constantinou, I am 15 years old and I am an active figure in EU and Cyprus Politics. My goal here, is to show everyone my ideas and ideologies for a better tomorrow, for our Country, our Union and more importantly, our World. It is of great importance, that everybody's voice is heard to the whole world.

Why politics?

I chose politics because I am person who cannot stay silent. I am a person who wants change, and for that to happen, someone must take charge. Someone who has a sense of duty, responsibility, ethos and most importantly a good heart.

Why need for change?

Many studies conducted by professionals show, that most people are unhappy with thz j e way some things are going. Therefore, for the sake of our people, we need to make fundamental changes to our system, so many people our happier and live a better life.

What is my main point of focus?

I will divide it in 2. Ecology and Youth. I believe that these are some issues that deserve the most attention. Not only that, but I believe that these issues are the ones that I excel the most.

  • Ecology

For me, Ecology is one of the most important issues in the world stage and the reason is very simple. Where will we live, if we do not take care of our Planet? It is a beautiful planet we live in and it is more than sad that we are destroying it. We must take great and drastic measures for the sake of our planet.

  • Youth

Youth is one of the most complicated, in my opinion issues. Fighting for children's rights and wants is not always easy, as the youth is very demanding. A fact that needs to be stated is, "The Future is Youth", which is right in every word of it.

I hope you find my personal blog interesting. Have a good reading!

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